First, it creates a task link in the Work Item field where the Create link used to be. 首先,它会在Create链接以前所在的WorkItem区域中,去创建一个任务链接。
The link field has two different bits of data that you might want to expose using microdata 链接字段有两个不同的数据位(bitofdata),您可能想使用微数据公开它们
To do this, click the Accept link in the License agreement field. 为此,单击Licenseagreement字段中的Accept链接。
They send requests to target sites with the client link in the referrer field. 他们通过在referrer字段内的客户链接来向目标站点发送请求。
Type a permalink or permalink number ( rrc#### or####) for an artifact or paste an rpc: or https: link to it in the Search field in the workbench to open that artifact in an editor. 对一个工件输入permalink或者permalink号码(rrc或者)或者粘贴rpc:或https:链接到工作台Search区域中的工件上,以在编辑器中打开该工件。
Link_field_name for the name of the relationship in that module used to link to the other module ( in this case, that relationship is named contacts) linkfieldname参数,用于获取模块中用于链接到其他模块的关系的名称(在本例中,关系名为contacts)。
At the time of this writing, the link field formatter defined by the Drupal Link module doesn't support microdata, but you can change that. 在撰写本文之际,DrupalLink模块定义的链接字段格式器还不支持微数据,但您可以改变这一点。
You must add the information to the field definition, which is registered by link_field_info. 您必须向字段定义中添加一些信息,这些信息是通过linkfieldinfo注册的。
Analysis on Scientific Co-authorship Network in Link Analysis Field 链接分析领域的作者合作网络及其分析
Dress of distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification. There are three different types of signal units differentiated by the value contained in the Link Indicator field. 作为一种区分不同群体的手段的一种特色鲜明的衣服。有三种不同的信令单元链路,可根据指示器字段所含的值进行区分。
The Research Of Link Blocking Rate In The Field Communication Network With Jamming 干扰条件下地域通信网链路阻塞率研究
There are three different types of signal units differentiated by the value contained in the Link Indicator field. 有三种不同的信令单元链路,可根据指示器字段所含的值进行区分。
A link field. Specifies which cell in the shape is associated with a particular field in the database table. 一个链接字段。指定形状中哪个单元格与数据库表中特定的字段相关联。
Industrial enterprise logistics it studies to be present logistics weak link of research field, strengthen and have very important meaning to research of the logistics of industrial enterprise. 工业企业物流研究是当前物流研究领域的薄弱环节,加强对工业企业物流的研究有十分重要的意义。
Tunnel Fire-alarming System Based on CC-Link Field Bus 基于CC-Link的隧道火灾报警系统
On the Link up Entry Field of Chinese Non ─ book Materials 试论中文非书资料连接款目字段
A low power-dissipation gigabit-per-second optical interconnection data link was realized using field programmable gate array ( FPGA). 基于可编程门阵列(FPGA)器件实现了低功耗的高速光互连链路。
The study of travel contract is a quite weak link in the field of legal research now in our country. 旅游合同的研究,一直是目前国内法学研究领域相当薄弱的环节。
To discuss several views of the link up entry field of Chinese non-book materials of having levels relationship in three aspects. 本文拟从三方面表述对处理具有层次关系的中文非书资料连接款目字段的看法。
Because knowledge management is still a weak link of management research field, it explains the definition of knowledge management especially at the beginning, in order to make us understand the visual angle of research with characteristics of knowledge management researchers. 因为知识管理仍属管理研究领域的薄弱环节,所以论文开头重点阐述了知识管理的定义,使我们了解知识管理研究者们各具特色的研究视角。
How to draw sketch of digital topographic map correctly and with high efficiency is a key link in digitized field map plotting. 正确、高效率的绘制数字地形图的草图是数字化野外测图工作的关键环节。
We put emphasis on the method and process of establishing a Controller Link field control network; have designed the monitoring program and remote service manager program. The completed system realizes the automatically monitoring and remote-communication of the dredging work of cutter suction dredger. 重点阐述了组建Controllerlink现场控制网络的方法和步骤,编制了上位机监控程序和远程服务管理器程序,基本实现了绞吸式挖泥船疏浚作业的自动化监控和远程通讯。
The shield twisted-pair was used to link with PROFIBUS field bus network layer. PROFIBUS现场总线网络层采用屏蔽双绞线连接。
As a link to coordinate field production and supply, crude oil depot is a huge energy consumption system in itself. 原油库是协调油田生产与供应的纽带,本身是一个巨大的耗能系统。
The sky background radiation is the main background noise of the laser communication system. Especially to the acquisition link which has the big field of view and the long integration. And the rapid acquisition is the premise of establish the communication link. 天空背景辐射是影响空间激光通信系统的主要背景噪声,其对大视场,长积分时间的捕获单元影响尤为严重,而快速准确的捕获是建立通信链路的前提。
In the end, the author carries out research on constitutional protection on enterprises 'basic economic rights which is the most fundamental link and most important field to realize protection on enterprises' basic economic rights. 最后是对企业基本经济权利宪法保障的研究,这是实现企业基本经济权利保障的最根本环节和最重大领域。
In the market environment whose customer-oriented becomes increasingly evident, the management problem in distribution link has become important research field and focus in supply chain management. 在顾客导向越来越明显的市场环境下,分销环节的管理问题已经成为供应链管理中重要的研究领域和热点。
Besides it has the characteristics of link field features and dynamic threshold attenuation, enables the similar state neurons synchronize pulse output. 同时具有链接域特性和动态阈值衰减特性,能够使状态相似的神经元同步输出脉冲。
Rural finance has always been the weak link in the financial field of our country. 农村金融一直是我国金融领域的薄弱环节。
Share safety inspect information of whole supply link system "from field to dinner table", provide a safety and easy shopping environment. 共享从田头到餐桌整个供应链体系的安全检测信息,给广大消费者提供一个安全放心的购物环境。